Quick treatment for prostatitis at home

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate. This pathology is caused by infections, penetration of viruses and harmful organisms, processes of plasma stagnation in the pelvic organs, scrotum and prostate. Treating prostatitis using non-traditional methods under familiar home conditions is as effective as traditional medicine. Many patients treat prostatitis at home.

How to determine if a disease is present

Alarming signs of prostatitis in man worriedThe disease is diagnosed by experts, but the pathology can be recognized by certain signs. The presence of signs is the first signal to contact medical facilities. In order to treat prostatitis, it is necessary to recognize the first alarming symptoms at home.Of course, the acute form is more difficult to treat, as the disease usually takes a chronic form, developing slowly as symptoms increase.Prostatitis, symptoms:
  • Discomfort in the genital and groin areas;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • Sexual disorders;
  • As the condition worsens, the pain worsens.
Sometimes there may be a worsening of more severe symptoms:Painful urination is a symptom of worsening prostatitis in men
  • Lower peritoneal pain;
  • Pain during urination;
  • Poor erection;
  • worsening of general health;
  • There is an elevated temperature.
After diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe a treatment for prostatitis. In general, home methods are effective and quick. For this, you can consult competent experts who will recommend effective methods on how to quickly treat prostatitis at home.Contagiousness of the disease requires exposure to antibiotics (if stasis occurs). The main effort is to eliminate the cause of infection.

Treat prostatitis at home

Pumpkin seeds are good for prostatitis; this has been known for centuries. The effectiveness of pumpkin seed therapy is due to the high zinc content in this product. The male body must be constantly replenished with zinc to maintain health. It must be processed with dried seeds rather than fried seeds. They are shelled and eaten. One course of treatment requires 500 grams of seeds. Treatment of prostatitis is continued until the drug is completely consumed. The prostate requires yearly medication.The first version of the traditional method required the consumption of 35 seeds per day. This is done in the morning before eating, chewing the product thoroughly.In the second option, pumpkin seeds are passed through a meat grinder and 200 grams of honey are added to the product. Mix the substance well, form balls from it (for example, walnuts), store the product in the refrigerator. You can cure prostatitis by using two treatments. Take the medication before meals, dissolve slowly and chew.

Help mugwort

Mugwort quickly treats prostatitis at homeThis treatment helps with all infections, including purulent infections. How does mugwort treat the male prostate? Of course, combined treatments show the best results. For this, oral infusions and the use of internal urethral irrigation are required.Finely process dry mugwort (100 g) and sift. A small portion is eaten raw and most is used for decoction. The decoction is suitable for micro-enemas; it can also be used for irrigation (urethra). This is how you use the dual benefits of mugwort to treat your prostate. Bacteria and inflammation are eliminated. Treatment of prostatitis lasts for one week. Take the dry product orally (rinse a pinch of herb with water). In the evening, microenemas are performed through urethral lavage and douching (decoction).The infusion is prepared as follows:1 tsp. Dry the ingredients, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cool to 40 degrees. A procedure requires 1/4 cup of herbal decoction. Irrigation is done with a bulb (injected into the anal canal). The liquid should be injected into the tube quickly to ensure that the broth passes through the intestines as much as possible. The canals are cleaned the same way; there should be two different bulbs for the two areas.Mugwort has a wide range of effects, so before using medicinal plants to treat prostatitis, you need to consult a specialist and take into account all the characteristics of the patient. Nicotine and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Other chronic conditions may worsen, as may general conditions.

juice therapy

Prostatitis - how to treat it with juice?You can use juice therapy at home. For this purpose, professional doctors combine medication with vegetable juices. This therapy has proven to be highly effective. You need to drink at least 650ml of juice every day.Juices that can help treat prostatitis include:Juice therapy cures prostatitis in men
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • Cucumber and asparagus.
The produce should not be purchased but prepared separately from fresh vegetables. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease (from 2 weeks). Drinking black elderberry juice (berry) can show good results of juice therapy. Take the juice (1 tablespoon) once daily on an empty stomach for 10 days. Before taking, add a spoonful of juice to 200ml of water. You need to know that this product has side effects and contraindications. This medication should not be taken without the advice of your attending physician.

Honey and propolis candle

Many times, patients use homemade suppositories to treat prostatitis at home. Suppositories are made from propolis and honey and are applied topically (inserted into the anal canal). Medications are stored in the refrigerator.Independently produced rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis
  • How to make a rectal suppository? You will need a teaspoon of honey, an egg, and 3 tablespoons of flour. All products are mixed into a mass and then made into candles. The product is used twice daily for 30 days with a 45-day break, after which the regimen is repeated.
  • Preparation of propolis suppositories: Mix alcohol (50 ml) with propolis and infuse in a dark place for 14 days (the tincture is shaken daily). The injected material was evaporated in a water bath until it turned yellow-brown. The resulting composition is mixed with cocoa butter. After the candle is formed, store the product in the refrigerator. Treatment involves using a suppository at bedtime for one month. Full recovery is possible after two or three courses of treatment with this method. There is a 2-month break between courses.

Other folk methods

Another way to prepare medicines from propolis. To prepare it, you need propolis oil. How to prepare it: Add a cup of olive oil to a dose of 30 grams of propolis and heat it in a water bath. The patient should lubricate the perineum with prepared oil.

Another recipe for rectal suppositories

This product is very effective for at home treatment. To prepare, take 80 grams of beeswax and mix it with equal parts petroleum jelly and cocoa butter. The resulting consistency is melted in a water bath and mixed with twenty grams of propolis extract. Suppositories are formed from the resulting material (preferably in molds). Place it in the refrigerator to harden and you can start using it. You need to place a candle in your anal canal every day before going to bed.There is another great way to treat prostatitis at home. It is made from honey and parsley (juice). Juice and honey are taken in equal amounts, the resulting composition is taken in 1 tablespoon. Lake access twice daily.Steaming bees can relieve unpleasant symptoms. Crush the raw materials (100 grams), pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour, and squeeze dry with gauze. Lotion is made from this composition and is used twice a day.

Onion processing

This product is made from wine and onions. This calls for dry wine and 100 grams of finely chopped onions (chopped). Onions are poured with wine (half a liter), the prepared product is placed in a cold place (dark) and aged for a week and a half.
The finished medicine is taken orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. A quarter of an hour before dinner.

Help me lift a chestnut

For prostate treatment, use chestnut (horse) bark tincture. Pour chestnut shell powder (30 g) into a glass of cognac or vodka and age for a month. This medicine is taken for 3 weeks. This medicine is taken as 15 drops twice daily. Then rest for a week and a half and repeat the course of treatment with the healing tincture.


Oil relieves prostate inflammation. Dissolve half a teaspoon of product in 3000ml of warm water. Half a teaspoon of this medicine should be taken after a main meal. If no reaction occurs after three days, you can start taking the full dose, increasing to three tablespoons per use. The dose is added gradually. After 30 days of use, the therapeutic effects will become apparent.Chestnut husks are also commonly used to treat the prostate. 50 grams of crushed chestnut skin must be poured into 3 tablespoons. Lake boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, the product should be filtered and placed in a water bath. Finally, you should drink a cup of healing soup. Take orally (30 drops) 3 times a day before meals.

Kalanchoe tincture

This medicinal plant is very effective against a variety of ailments; it is used in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Kalanchoe tincture is very helpful for prostatitis. The leaves of the plant are crushed, placed in a container, 50 ml of vodka is poured, and the product is kept for 5 days. Take 1 tsp. After the pain symptoms disappear, take the medicine every 7 days.

red root

Not only can red root treat prostate inflammation at home, it is also effective in treating infectious conditions and has successfully treated sinusitis, influenza, ARVI, and other ailments. Traditional medicine uses red root to eliminate various types of infections.Medication preparation: Cut the roots (30 grams), add 1000 ml of boiling water, and leave for about an hour. Recommended dosage: 100 ml, 3 times daily, before meals. The product has a pleasant taste.

Hemlock and celandine

Chelidonium is a folk remedy for relieving prostate inflammation. This drug is taken during inflammation and improves blood circulation, which explains its effective therapeutic effect in the treatment of prostatitis.Take equal amounts of the two medicinal materials (1 teaspoon each), pour in half a cup of alcohol, and store in the dark for a week and a half. Then filter it. Reception begins with 1 drop of tincture diluted with 30 g of milk or water (increase the dose by one drop per day). After a month, continue treatment in the reverse order (reduce the dose by one drop per day).In order to decide on treatment options, you will need expert help. The choice of treatment is based on the clinical situation.